Welcome to the ChocLit Factory!

ChocLit Factory's medicated edibles are a true delight for those seeking a delicious and effective cannabis-infused experience. With their expertise in crafting exquisite chocolates, ChocLit Factory has masterfully combined the art of chocolatiering with the benefits of cannabis. Each bite of their meticulously crafted edibles offers a harmonious balance of rich flavors and precisely measured doses of THC or CBD.

Whether it's their velvety truffles, decadent brownies, or indulgent chocolate bars, ChocLit Factory ensures that every edible is infused with the highest quality cannabis extracts. Not only do their medicated edibles offer a delightful experience, but they also provide a discreet and convenient way to explore the therapeutic wonders of cannabis.

ChocLit Factory's commitment to excellence and innovation makes their medicated edibles a must-try for cannabis enthusiasts who appreciate the marriage of taste and therapeutic benefits.

Wholesale Distributor?

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Medical Patient?

Meet the Team!

  • Eric McMaster


  • Kristyn Morse